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Jamie Reyner-Corbett, 20 hours ago, reported an ascent of Le P'tit Toit / Le Tourniquet 6b+ at 95.2
Jamie Reyner-Corbett, 20 hours ago, reported an ascent of Le Bivouac de Pilou 6c at Franchard Isatis
Updated 1 day ago:
Knees 7a
Apremont Est

Kim De Bie, 2 days ago, reported an ascent of Atardecer 6a at Bois Rond Auberge
Kim De Bie, 3 days ago, reported an ascent of Action Directe (assis) 7a at Roche aux Oiseaux
Melissa Barstow, 3 days ago, reported an ascent of Goriak 7b at Cuvier Bellevue
Updated 6 days ago:
Hasta 6a
Rocher d'Avon

Mantle problem

Updated 6 days ago:
Au Fond du Couloir à Droite 3
Petit Bois

Yellow number 50 Such a cool Boulder, when you top out you have to go to the boulder on the other side

Updated 6 days ago:
Blocage 4
Petit Bois

Blue number 21 Go straight up

Lena T, 6 days ago, reported an ascent of Au Fond du Couloir à Droite 3 at Petit Bois
Lena T, 6 days ago, reported an ascent of Blocage 4 at Petit Bois
Stephanie G, 6 days ago, reported an ascent of L'Échine 2+ at Franchard Isatis
Stephanie G, 6 days ago, reported an ascent of Application 2 at Franchard Isatis
Stephanie G, 6 days ago, reported an ascent of La Marbrée 2 at Franchard Isatis
Stephanie G, 6 days ago, reported an ascent of Bouddha 5 at Franchard Isatis
Stephanie G, 6 days ago, reported an ascent of La Statique 5+ at Franchard Isatis
Stephanie G, 6 days ago, reported an ascent of Gratton Laveur 2 at Franchard Isatis
Stephanie G, July 19, reported an ascent of Nid d'Abeilles 4 at Petit Bois
Stephanie G, July 19, reported an ascent of Le Pas de Droite 3 at Petit Bois
Stephanie G, July 19, reported an ascent of Le Fer à Cheval 2+ at Petit Bois
Stephanie G, July 19, reported an ascent of Le Gruyère 4 at Petit Bois
Stephanie G, July 19, reported an ascent of Le Tourne (à gauche) 3 at Petit Bois
Lena T, July 18, reported an ascent of Peter 5 at La Grotte aux Fées
Lena T, July 18, reported an ascent of Remise à l'Heure 6a at Petit Bois
Updated July 17:
La Débloquée 6a+
Dame Jouanne

Start at the tree with a big hold, traverse to the left and exit in La Bloquée (blue n°18).

Updated July 17:
L'Arrachée 5
Dame Jouanne

Blue 19

Lena T, July 17, reported an ascent of Rantanplan 4 at Dame Jouanne
Lena T, July 17, reported an ascent of La Débloquée 6a+ at Dame Jouanne
Lena T, July 17, reported an ascent of La Bloquée 4 at Dame Jouanne
Lena T, July 17, reported an ascent of L'Arrachée 5 at Dame Jouanne
Olaug Line , July 15, reported an ascent of La Voie Michaud 6c at Éléphant
Olaug Line , July 15, reported an ascent of La Charleuse 6a at Éléphant
Olaug Line , July 14, reported an ascent of Réchauffage 6c+ at Rocher d'Avon
Olaug Line , July 14, reported an ascent of La Diagonale 6a+ at Rocher d'Avon
Stephanie G, July 14, reported an ascent of Le Bouche Trou 3 at Bois Rond
Stephanie G, July 13, reported an ascent of The Big Short 5 at Canche aux Merciers
Stephanie G, July 13, reported an ascent of Petite Reine 3 at Canche aux Merciers
Stephanie G, July 13, reported an ascent of Tête Basse 2+ at Canche aux Merciers
Stephanie G, July 13, reported an ascent of La Courageuse 2 at Canche aux Merciers
Updated July 9:
8-6 Bavaria 7a+
Apremont Butte aux Dames

Interesting traverse that gets you making some cool shapes! Sit start on the right under the bulge, and hug your way over it. Traverse left along the break and save some energy for moving around the

Updated July 8:
Jouant les Pins (direct) 6b
Justice de Noisy

Fun mantle move that is definitely easier for shorter people!

Updated July 8:
Saut de Biquet 6a
Justice de Noisy

Fun little roof with good holds and a tricky mantle to finish.

Lena T, July 8, reported an ascent of Dévers de Biquet 4+ at Justice de Noisy
Lena T, July 8, reported an ascent of Saut de Biquet 6a at Justice de Noisy
Lena T, July 8, reported an ascent of Jouant les Pins (direct) 6b at Justice de Noisy
Olaug Line , July 8, reported an ascent of Good Vibrations (du fond) 7a at Maunoury
Lena T, July 6, reported an ascent of Pas à Plats 4+ at Apremont Butte aux Dames
Lena T, July 6, reported an ascent of La Grosse 4 at Apremont Butte aux Dames
Olaug Line , July 6, reported an ascent of Hathi 6b+ at Maunoury
Olaug Line , July 4, reported an ascent of Powerslave 7a at Apremont Ouest
Updated July 3:
Le Requin 6b+
Rocher Fin

Updated July 3:
Crème Fraîche 5+

Olaug Line , July 3, reported an ascent of Soupçon (assis) 7a at Maunoury
Olaug Line , June 28, reported an ascent of Le Sphinx 6a at Rocher des Demoiselles
Updated June 17:
Plein Ouest (assis droite) 7a

Bloc en départ assis à droite avec un gros croisé puis une fin très facile.

Sarah Kuster, June 15, reported an ascent of Dur en Dalle 6c+ at Rocher Fin
Céline Terrier, June 15, reported an ascent of Plein Ouest (assis droite) 7a at 91.1
Céline Terrier, June 15, reported an ascent of Hyperloop 7a at 91.1
Updated June 14:
Clandestino (gauche) 7a
Apremont Envers

This is a cool problem that feels way too reachy to start with, but with some crafty beta the slopey holds work really well in compression.

Updated June 12:
Usbek 7a
Dame Jouanne

Updated June 12:
Pirouette Cacahuète 7a+
La Mare à Piat

Un super bloc quand il fait chaud et faisable seule. Il y a d’autres méthodes avec un talon à gauche pour le mouvement dur.

Updated June 11:
Gorilla Fish 7a
Franchard Druides

At the start, two foot jams help you get out of the roof. At the first sloper you absolutely need the right heelhook to intercept the momentum. Traverse once around the edge to the jug. Place your r

Updated June 10:
Ventre à Terre 6a+
Rocher Guichot

Nice start with a high right foot followed by a not-so-hard slab.

Updated June 8:
Huevo Challenge 6c
Bois Rond Auberge

Typical dyno skin mantle with very nice grip. Sorry for the bad video quality!

Updated June 8:
Judy 6c
Bois Rond Auberge

In this one placing a right kneebar and leaning into it can be very helpful, thereby stretching as much as possible using your side core to remain stable - followed by a pretty high heel for a rather

Updated June 8:
Punch 6c+
Bois Rond Auberge

Nice little mantle problem, but imho no harder than 6B+... think it is possible for shorties aswell

Sarah Kuster, June 5 on Lepraria

It feels impossible to get your butt off the ground, but when you push your hips into the wall, you get tension on both legs and stand very securely in the position to reach further.

Updated June 5:
Mine de Rien (assis) 7c

A hidden gem in a dark corner, this has a tendency to 'sweat' in moist conditions. Sitstart on good crimps, without a crashpad. There are several different ways up, and different frames will climb ve

Updated June 1:
Le Sacre du Printemps 7c

Hidden around the most popular areas, this block offers several beautiful lines which can be climbed in quiet. This main line offers wonderful moves between the two aretes involving several heel and t

Updated May 31:
Striés Guidés (gauche) 6c+
Apremont Envers

A bit hidden in the back of this area in a little cave this boulder starts in steep terrain in the cave and can be finished with a nice kneebar going out left.

Updated May 31:
Sunset Roof 6c+
Bois Rond Auberge

Petit toit avec des coincements de pieds et une fin plus physique. Je n’ai pas réussi la méthode avec la pointe gauche qui a l’air de rendre la fin moins physique. Bloc parfait quand on est seule.

Updated May 31:
Steak Haché 6c
Apremont Butte aux Peintres

An interesting traverse following a crack involving powerful moves at first, followed by more delicate moves on a slab til the finish.

Updated May 31:
Extinguo 7a
Rocher de la Salamandre Est

A really enjoyable roof line which still offers a balancy bleau topout ;) Usually gets less traffic on busy weekends.

Updated May 31:
Haute Trahison 7a
Rocher des Souris

A nice looking overhang very close to the parking of La Croix Saint-Jérôme. There are several interesting lines on this block. This one has a lying start underneath the overhang and traverses to the r

Updated May 31:
Biodégradable 7a+
Rocher de la Salamandre Est

A low but interesting 3D problem that benefits from foot locks and toe hooks. It was originally thought to be a dyno problem, but shorties can technique the hell out of it and make it super cool!!

Updated May 31:
Surf Betty 6c+
Vallée Chaude

sitstart matched in a pocket, and move left into the undercut without using your feet on the pedestal under the block. Reach to a small dish on the lip and exit on the left of the arete.

Updated May 31:
Blind Spot (direct) 6c
Boissy Vallée de l'Église

A good problem for all body types. Sitstart in the middle of the overhang and exit with a small horizontal crack using various methods depending on your size.

Updated May 31:
L'Imparfait du Subversif 7b
Mont Pivot

Great line on an isolated block with great views. Starts with good holds, traversing right the holds become smaller. Precise left heels can help to move to the right arete and up from there.

Updated May 31:
Cross-Fit 7a+
Rocher du Télégraphe

Nice line involving rails and a left one- to two-finger pocket, finishing on a balancy right undercling and left move up to slopers and eventually, a rescue hold.

Updated May 31:
S'il Vous Plaît 7a

Sit start and make a dynamic move to the lip, followed by a delicious mantle

Stefanie Fella, May 29 on Semeur de Vie (droite)

Not sure if I (Stef) climbed it too much to the right, but that way does not involve the big move all the boys do in ;)

Stefanie Fella, May 29 on Surf Betty

Cool line! I could use a right kneebar to stretch out to the dish - it's definitely harder if you are too short to do so..

Stefanie Fella, May 29 on Yoga

It would be good to avoid using the sandy hold just after the start to prevent the broken hold from further eroding

Rachel goldman, April 13 on Alta

Merci pour “las betas” Aurelie!

Hanna Wegbrant, March 17 on Da Moskitov

I tried La mouche this evening, but my fingers where to sore.. and maybe a bit weak for that problem. But this one was a really nice consolation prize. The start is really nice!

Jacquelyn Moore, February 27 on Le Flipper

Brilliant feature - make sure to use a right heel to take weight off for the middle moves.

Jacquelyn Moore, February 27 on La Pierre et le Sabre / La Belle Arête

Super fun climb - the holds are positive at the top - just have to be precise with your movement to get there.

Jacquelyn Moore, February 27 on L'Angle du Sérac

Brilliant line - great introduction to technical slab climbing in Fontainebleau - a must do!

Jacquelyn Moore, February 27 on Les Grimpeurs se Cachent pour Médire

For the stand start (7a) I used a left heel to make the transition in the opening moves easier - it felt like it fit me quite well to do this, I'm 167 cm in height and ape. Then reasonably good holds

Ida Selin, February 3 on L'Auvent Tripotant (raccourci)

I had many desperate attempts on the mantle, before figuring out I could place my left toe on the edge. I uploaded a video of it, maybe someone will find it useful :)

Ay Lin, January 28, 2024 on Bleautiful

hello there,
could you please let me know where to find Bleautiful? last time I was looking for it in Cuvier Merveille, unfortunately without any success :(
looking forward to receiving some clues

Rob B., November 19, 2023 on This is Our Playground ….

I really appreciate your effort, time and energy to publish these articles and to raise awareness of topics like a sustainable climbing culture around Fontainebleau. I always liked the pro-active appr

Helen’s hidden , November 10, 2023 on How to tell if a hold is wet

Sympa cet article qui essaie de décrire ce que signifie le grès humide au lieu de juste critiquer les grimpeurs qui cassent des prises . Je rejoins entièrement ton analyse sur le fait que le grès d'ap

Terri Lesher, October 2, 2023 on Airbnb in Arbonne

I booked a trip to Fontainebleau for October and November but had to cancel last minute due to a climbing injury. If you are planning a visit during that time, please consider this sweet Airbnb in Arb

Helen Dudley, September 22, 2023 on Fontainebleau in November

Hiya Heather, there is a Betty meet-up planned for October 14 and November 19, so do join us if you’re around. Are you travelling on your own or do you have a crew?

Heather, September 21, 2023 on Fontainebleau in November

Hi all, I'm planning a trip to Fontainebleau in November for a few weeks. I was wondering if there is a bit of a community there/ anyone also planning a trip in November that I could team up with for

Germaine Pötgen, September 19, 2023 on Mardi Gras

According to the 6c boulder is to the left of what's shown in the video. The variant in the video is an easier variant.

Petya Metya, September 14, 2023 on Found Birkenstock

Hahaha, I opened this post thinking it was about a boulder called "Found Birkenstock" and pondered on the "beta" for a second before I realized... :D

Petya Metya, September 14, 2023 on La Voie Passive

There's a video of this by Michelle on YouTube:

Elo, July 27, 2023 on Les Grattons du Baquet

Beautiful line. Did this boulder following a straight line without using the bucket on the left, makes the line very nice/pretty to climb.
When you have your left hand on the sloper just before the t

Anna Trybis, July 8, 2023 on Boudak

A foot match on the crescent out right allows a high heel and its pretty much over. Not sure about the exit, maybe I should have carried on straight up rather than going slightly right.

Aurélie Blaise , June 29, 2023 on La Moreau (assis)

Hi Maja, agreed with Helen.
One simple pad is enough for this block. Cheers

Helen Dudley, June 29, 2023 on La Moreau (assis)

Hi Maja, in my opinion you don’t get to stack pads for foot holds. It’s definitely a grey area stacking pads anyway, but for me I feel reaching hand holds is legit because it’s impossible without. I

Maja Lecher, June 29, 2023 on La Moreau (assis)

Ethics question/discussion: does going straight into the heel hook via a stacked pad count as a tick? On the one hand only the starting holds are defined on and there's public ascents start

giulia, June 25, 2023 on Wolverine

Il a l'air trop bien ce bloc. A-t-on obligatoirement besoin d'un knee pad ou est'ce que c'est faisable sans?

Beatrice Milanesi, June 17, 2023 on Anak

Topo says to start with the lowest two crimps. So I started with my left hand on the smallest crimp and the right one on the good one. I found the move harder in that way.

Helen Dudley, June 11, 2023 on La Raie Publique

It’s awesome!! ????

HR, June 11, 2023 on La Raie Publique

The conversation in the back of this video is hilarious

Elena Marshall, May 19, 2023 on Simply the best!

Hello! I really would like to come to this -- I live in Paris and want to take the RER and a bike to get there, and go back in the evening. Do you have more details about where and when to meet on the

emma bullivant, May 6, 2023 on Out of the way of the May Madness - and opening clinic

I’m at the campsite you suggested :) it’s so beautiful I thought I’ll stay for the night to get some rest and see what’s what in the morning :)
Thanks Helen :)

Helen Dudley, May 6, 2023 on Out of the way of the May Madness - and opening clinic

Hiya, we are still meeting up to talk about opening new boulders. It’s going to be a bit wet, so I’m not sure how many will come, but I’ll be there between 11am and 12.

emma bullivant, May 6, 2023 on Out of the way of the May Madness - and opening clinic

Hi Helen, just seen the site that tomorrow is cancelled and the weathers not looking good for the rest of the week :( probably gonna head to the coast if that’s the case hey. But thank you again for g

Jantje Schelp, May 6, 2023 on Found Birkenstock

Found the right shoe of a pair of brown Birkenstocks in Coquibus Auvergne. I put it under the Crotale Boulder. Hoping it finds its way home!

Helen Dudley, May 2, 2023 on Out of the way of the May Madness - and opening clinic

Hiya Emma,

These are two free bivouacs, where you can park overnight without worries

1. Dropped pin

2. Parking Bourron (bivouac)

Helen Dudley, May 2, 2023 on Out of the way of the May Madness - and opening clinic

Hiya Emma,

These are two free bivouacs, where you can park overnight without worries

1. Dropped pin

2. Parking Bourron (bivouac)

emma bullivant, May 2, 2023 on Out of the way of the May Madness - and opening clinic

Hello, I’m emma I’m really excited to be heading there for the women’s meet up on the 7th and just wondering about the best place to camp in the van near by? If anyone has a recommendation that would