Petya Metya

Follow Petya Metya
Height: 169cm
Ape: 5cm

Petya Metya, September 18 on Le Mouton à 6 Pattes

Update (April 2024): The starting hold is about to break off, please do not try this boulder.

Petya Metya, September 14, 2023 on Found Birkenstock

Hahaha, I opened this post thinking it was about a boulder called "Found Birkenstock" and pondered on the "beta" for a second before I realized... :D

Petya Metya, September 14, 2023 on La Voie Passive

There's a video of this by Michelle on YouTube:

Petya Metya, May 18, 2022 on Close Contact (droite)

You need to use only the slopers for the top out. The big hole/jug/sidepull up there is out. That makes the top trickier and cruxier :)

Petya Metya, May 10, 2022 on Movement Activated (droite)

I didn’t start on the left but also didn’t use the undercling, but hopped straight to the top instead. Who knows if that’s correct? ;)

Petya Metya, May 5, 2022 on Nostalgie (assis)

Hey, I have to raise the question again: On it says “start without the big pocket right hand”. I started pretty much like Hanna here did and I felt the first move was hard and getting out of the low sit was even harder. After that I didn’t use the big pocket above it. And yet... I’ve been told the version Bérengère did is the correct one. Please help! I’ll upload my video too!

Petya Metya, May 2, 2022 on Écharde

Has anyone done this recently? Info on 27Crags and is different. The low traverse is suuuuper low, I don’t have any beta for it. Ideas?!

Petya Metya, March 28, 2022 on Festival D'Escalade de Bloc Sustainable

I can't wait!

Petya Metya, October 4, 2021 on Staying logged in?

Thank you, gals, I have an Android phone and I don't have this issue on all websites, but maybe on some, not sure. I will test it on my laptop to see if it's still the case. It's not a big problem, just something I noticed and made me wonder. <3

Petya Metya, September 27, 2021 on Staying logged in?

Anyone else experiencing this? When logging in, I tick the box "Remember me" but I still get logged out automatically after a while and still have to fill in my username and password afterwards.

Petya Metya, October 21, 2020 on Vodka Martini

According to, starting with he bat hang is the 6a version, but it looks way more fun 🤩

Petya Metya, October 10, 2020 on Tango Triste (assis)

Does this line begin with the big undercling or how does it work? Also it is rated 6b on 27crags :)