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Contributing to BettyBeta

BettyBeta needs you even more than you need us. Without an active group of supportive women, we'll never reach the full potential of what this site can be.

Here's what you can do to help:

  • Tell us what you've climbed. Help us grow our database of girl-friendly boulder problems by importing your ascents from bleau.info or by clicking the "Add my Ascent" button on the route pages for problems that you've done. You can also import individual lines from bleau.info.

  • Add comments to the problems you've tried. Tell us how you did the moves, and whether you think it's a good fit for your climbing style. Make it easier for women who follow you to find their next project.

  • Add descriptions to problems you know. There are still lots of boulder problems that need attention. Tell us what you know about the ones you know!

  • Share your videos. Add your YouTube or Vimeo links to the problems they go with, or simply email them to us at info@bettybeta.com.

  • Ask Questions in the Cafe and answer questions that you see there. Make a point of hanging out there, and others will start hanging out too!

  • Starting a community is a bit like starting a fire. It takes a lot of work at first, but if you keep at it eventually it'll take off on its own.

    Help us turn this into the supportive community that you want to see!


    Josie, July 30, 2020

    Hey Helen, how do I import a line that is not on the website yet?

    Helen Dudley, July 31, 2020

    Did you work it out Josie? Sorry I didn’t reply straight away. If you go to the ‘contributing’ section, in the first bullet point, there’s a line in blue text... ‘import individual lines from Bleau.info’. If you click that you should be able to paste in the URL of the page from Bleau.info that has the climb in it. If you have any problems let me know.

    Betty Beta

    BettyBeta is a site where women can find boulder problems in Fontainebleau that suit them, and a supportive community to help them climb stronger and have more fun.