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Updated 1 day ago:
Knees 7a
Apremont Est

Updated 6 days ago:
Hasta 6a
Rocher d'Avon

Mantle problem

Updated 6 days ago:
Au Fond du Couloir à Droite 3
Petit Bois

Yellow number 50 Such a cool Boulder, when you top out you have to go to the boulder on the other side

Updated 6 days ago:
Blocage 4
Petit Bois

Blue number 21 Go straight up

Updated July 17:
La Débloquée 6a+
Dame Jouanne

Start at the tree with a big hold, traverse to the left and exit in La Bloquée (blue n°18).

Updated July 17:
L'Arrachée 5
Dame Jouanne

Blue 19

Updated July 9:
8-6 Bavaria 7a+
Apremont Butte aux Dames

Interesting traverse that gets you making some cool shapes! Sit start on the right under the bulge, and hug your way over it. Traverse left along the break and save some energy for moving around the

Updated July 8:
Jouant les Pins (direct) 6b
Justice de Noisy

Fun mantle move that is definitely easier for shorter people!

Updated July 8:
Saut de Biquet 6a
Justice de Noisy

Fun little roof with good holds and a tricky mantle to finish.

Updated July 3:
Le Requin 6b+
Rocher Fin

Updated July 3:
Crème Fraîche 5+

Updated June 17:
Plein Ouest (assis droite) 7a

Bloc en départ assis à droite avec un gros croisé puis une fin très facile.

Updated June 14:
Clandestino (gauche) 7a
Apremont Envers

This is a cool problem that feels way too reachy to start with, but with some crafty beta the slopey holds work really well in compression.

Updated June 12:
Usbek 7a
Dame Jouanne

Updated June 12:
Pirouette Cacahuète 7a+
La Mare à Piat

Un super bloc quand il fait chaud et faisable seule. Il y a d’autres méthodes avec un talon à gauche pour le mouvement dur.

Updated June 11:
Gorilla Fish 7a
Franchard Druides

At the start, two foot jams help you get out of the roof. At the first sloper you absolutely need the right heelhook to intercept the momentum. Traverse once around the edge to the jug. Place your r

Updated June 10:
Ventre à Terre 6a+
Rocher Guichot

Nice start with a high right foot followed by a not-so-hard slab.

Updated June 8:
Huevo Challenge 6c
Bois Rond Auberge

Typical dyno skin mantle with very nice grip. Sorry for the bad video quality!

Updated June 8:
Judy 6c
Bois Rond Auberge

In this one placing a right kneebar and leaning into it can be very helpful, thereby stretching as much as possible using your side core to remain stable - followed by a pretty high heel for a rather

Updated June 8:
Punch 6c+
Bois Rond Auberge

Nice little mantle problem, but imho no harder than 6B+... think it is possible for shorties aswell

Updated June 5:
Mine de Rien (assis) 7c

A hidden gem in a dark corner, this has a tendency to 'sweat' in moist conditions. Sitstart on good crimps, without a crashpad. There are several different ways up, and different frames will climb ve

Updated June 1:
Le Sacre du Printemps 7c

Hidden around the most popular areas, this block offers several beautiful lines which can be climbed in quiet. This main line offers wonderful moves between the two aretes involving several heel and t

Updated May 31:
Striés Guidés (gauche) 6c+
Apremont Envers

A bit hidden in the back of this area in a little cave this boulder starts in steep terrain in the cave and can be finished with a nice kneebar going out left.

Updated May 31:
Sunset Roof 6c+
Bois Rond Auberge

Petit toit avec des coincements de pieds et une fin plus physique. Je n’ai pas réussi la méthode avec la pointe gauche qui a l’air de rendre la fin moins physique. Bloc parfait quand on est seule.

Updated May 31:
Steak Haché 6c
Apremont Butte aux Peintres

An interesting traverse following a crack involving powerful moves at first, followed by more delicate moves on a slab til the finish.

Updated May 31:
Extinguo 7a
Rocher de la Salamandre Est

A really enjoyable roof line which still offers a balancy bleau topout ;) Usually gets less traffic on busy weekends.

Updated May 31:
Haute Trahison 7a
Rocher des Souris

A nice looking overhang very close to the parking of La Croix Saint-Jérôme. There are several interesting lines on this block. This one has a lying start underneath the overhang and traverses to the r

Updated May 31:
Biodégradable 7a+
Rocher de la Salamandre Est

A low but interesting 3D problem that benefits from foot locks and toe hooks. It was originally thought to be a dyno problem, but shorties can technique the hell out of it and make it super cool!!

Updated May 31:
Surf Betty 6c+
Vallée Chaude

sitstart matched in a pocket, and move left into the undercut without using your feet on the pedestal under the block. Reach to a small dish on the lip and exit on the left of the arete.

Updated May 31:
Blind Spot (direct) 6c
Boissy Vallée de l'Église

A good problem for all body types. Sitstart in the middle of the overhang and exit with a small horizontal crack using various methods depending on your size.

Updated May 31:
L'Imparfait du Subversif 7b
Mont Pivot

Great line on an isolated block with great views. Starts with good holds, traversing right the holds become smaller. Precise left heels can help to move to the right arete and up from there.

Updated May 31:
Cross-Fit 7a+
Rocher du Télégraphe

Nice line involving rails and a left one- to two-finger pocket, finishing on a balancy right undercling and left move up to slopers and eventually, a rescue hold.

Updated May 31:
S'il Vous Plaît 7a

Sit start and make a dynamic move to the lip, followed by a delicious mantle