Apple Le XS

My home crag is Kjugekull in Sweden and we climb on granit. Being short means I need to find intermediate crimps, hence my style is strong crimps and compressed moves. I am not very dynamic. I log on 27 crags.
Follow Apple Le XS
Height: 150cm
Ape: 4cm

Degas 5
91.1, 4/15/2023
F1 6b
Bois Rond, 3/18/2022
Apple Le XS, October 25, 2022 on Le Héron

After finding a way to move my right foot closer to the left I could send it. Video beta ->

Apple Le XS, October 21, 2022 on Le Croche-Pied

The problem is a bit tall but the top out is safe in my opinion. I didn't use the right arete for the last move to reach the top hold cause I can't reach.

Apple Le XS, October 15, 2022 on Le Surplomb Rouge

I could not keep the feet with two hands on, taking the swing on the catch.

Apple Le XS, March 23, 2022 on La Remarquable

There is a tiny left foot that helped me to barely reach, then get the balance to match.

Apple Le XS, March 23, 2022 on Ferrite

I could do the "taller-person" beta, with a left heel and then move up the left hand. Required my fullbody extension, then get the balance to match. Kind of nice move when sticking it.

Apple Le XS, March 23, 2022 on La Quille

Most beta videos on the web are done with 2 big moves, which I can't do. I found another beta