sitstart matched in a pocket, and move left into the undercut without using your feet on the pedestal under the block. Reach to a small dish on the lip and exit on the left of the arete.
Ok, so I'm biased because I opened this line, but it is so much fun for someone of just my height!! Sit start to the right of the wave, matched in a pocket, and avoiding the pedestal. Move out to a luscious undercling, and using core strength, a foot jam and a tiny crimp on the face, make a full-length dead-point to a small dish on the lip. The move left around the corner is easier if you can bunch your feet up really high.
Rain sucks, but broken holds suck even more. Remember, never climb on wet rock in Fontainebleau.
The sandstone becomes brittle, and pulling on it will ruin classic problems. Drying it doesn't help, because it's still wet and weak inside.
All you can do is wait for better conditions.