Jacquelyn Moore

Climbing Coach living in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland with my partner and daughter :)
Follow Jacquelyn Moore
Height: 167cm
Ape: 167cm

Jacquelyn Moore, February 27 on Le Flipper

Brilliant feature - make sure to use a right heel to take weight off for the middle moves.

Jacquelyn Moore, February 27 on La Pierre et le Sabre / La Belle Arête

Super fun climb - the holds are positive at the top - just have to be precise with your movement to get there.

Jacquelyn Moore, February 27 on L'Angle du Sérac

Brilliant line - great introduction to technical slab climbing in Fontainebleau - a must do!

Jacquelyn Moore, February 27 on Les Grimpeurs se Cachent pour Médire

For the stand start (7a) I used a left heel to make the transition in the opening moves easier - it felt like it fit me quite well to do this, I'm 167 cm in height and ape. Then reasonably good holds await until a big move at the top - I rocked over on a high right foot and used a tick mark at the top to add precision as it's quite high above the ground. Very fun climb