Cajsa Björkén

Climber, biologist, mum.
Follow Cajsa Björkén
Height: 165cm
Ape: 167cm

Parasol 6b
95.2, 3/18/2019
Cajsa Björkén, May 11, 2019 on Contraction (assis) / Misère Noire

Love your comments Helen =D

Cajsa Björkén, April 29, 2019 on Les Serbes

Didn't get a video but the beta I used was more or less: left hand on good sidepull, right hand on sloper sidepull crimp to the right. High good foot left. Right hand to "good" crimp (the uppermost obvious one), footmatch, left hand to supersmall and sharp crimp. Very high left foot to the left. Go with left hand to left part of the sloper top. Match and mantle!

Cajsa Björkén, April 25, 2019 on Close Contact (droite)

Thanks a lot for making things very clear!

Cajsa Björkén, April 24, 2019 on Close Contact (droite)

This looks like a very nice and obvious line on the video, but people tell me there is a confusion about which holds are in and which are out. Are there more holds in than is shown in this excellent beta video?

Cajsa Björkén, April 21, 2019 on Booster / Chocolat Chaud (assis)

Started with my left hand in a weirdly twisted undercling, right hand on a crimp, and went with the right to the crimps above. A little hard to come into the next pinch with the right hand, intermediate crimp for left and then up to the better holds. Great line!!

Cajsa Björkén, April 21, 2019 on Lullaby

Thanks! I looks awesome! And very powerful. Also many more nice climbs in that video, thanks for inspiration!

Cajsa Björkén, April 21, 2019 on Narcose

Very nice problem indeed. My shorter friend did another beta ot get to the sloper, by matching the big jug, placing a high heelhook above her head on the sloper and going up with the left hand. Remember to do a proper tickmark for the left foot before the topout (look at the video and see what I mean =), and remove it afterwards)!

Cajsa Björkén, April 19, 2019 on Narcose

Cajsa Björkén, April 18, 2019 on Le Bombé (assis droite)

Cajsa Björkén, April 18, 2019 on Lullaby

Does anybody know how this is supposed to be climbed? Can you use the left arête? Is there another beta than jumping to the right arête? Looks like a beautiful climb with many variations!