Not sure on this one, but having played around on it, would say for 7a you miss the big sloper on the left... disagrees tho. And it was super! hot when I was trying it.
Very nice problem indeed. My shorter friend did another beta ot get to the sloper, by matching the big jug, placing a high heelhook above her head on the sloper and going up with the left hand. Remember to do a proper tickmark for the left foot before the topout (look at the video and see what I mean =), and remove it afterwards)!
Being a bit longer I could skip several moves in the beginning. I also found it easier to usa a toe hook to the left instead of a heal, and a pinch for the left hand when gong around the bulge and up on the slab.
Rain sucks, but broken holds suck even more. Remember, never climb on wet rock in Fontainebleau.
The sandstone becomes brittle, and pulling on it will ruin classic problems. Drying it doesn't help, because it's still wet and weak inside.
All you can do is wait for better conditions.