L'Oblique 7a

Roche aux Sabots, Fontainebleau

Crimps Dyno SitStart

So here's a line that mostly consists of a big throw off of little holds (after you've just done a different big throw into those little holds), that you can do even if you're not really a fan of big throws.

Good technique can make those throws as small and non-dynamic as you need. There are lots more holds than most people use, and lots of micro-beta waiting to be unlocked.

Climber: Anna Trybis

Climbed by


Beth May, April 9, 2020

A fun problem. It feels like it going to be very dynamic for a smaller person, but I managed the ascent quicker than the taller people I was with.

Aurélie Blaise , March 13, 2021

Je suis super fière d'avoir réussi ce bloc, après une grosse blessure ayant nécessité 8 mois d'arrêt. De nombreuses méthodes pour petits et grands. Intéressant à grimper.

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