Le Jeu du Toit 7a

Roche aux Sabots, Fontainebleau

Crimps Mantle Overhang

Sit start in the middle of the overhang on big holds and make some fun moves up to the lip. There are lots of different betas for traversing to the right, some people use a left foot jam, others go right foot first, and even the crimps on the front face get used selectively, but if youre really short, the move can feel quite long to the right hand jug. Save some energy for the end, it's not an easy mantle on the arete above.

Climber: Anna Trybis

Climbed by


Amber Thornton, February 15, 2021

If your not that good at heelhooking you can always put a double toehook and crimp your way up the face of the rock

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