Toutes des Précieuses 7a+

Franchard Hauts Sablons, Fontainebleau

Mantle Overhang Roof Slopers Traverse

A completely non-characteristic boulder in Font, with lots of 3-dimentional climbing. Sitstart at the right, under the right-hand dongle, and traverse your way over to the exit above the furthest left dongle, with some super fun, super-upside-down full-body action! I really don't feel this is 7c if you're small enough to do my beta.

Climber: Céline

Climbed by


Helen Dudley, March 19, 2021

It is possible that the true line goes under the final tonsil, but this method is so much fun that it deserves to be repeated. Having checked with the first ascensionist he didn't feel it was significantly different, so the verdict is out ... most importantly, climb to have fun!! If you need the grade ticked you might need to be careful about claiming this one.

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