Hello everyone,
I am so happy that this platform was created, thanks for that!
I spend a lot of years in a font not being to able to climb anything above 6a. A lot of times this was because I saw boulders in my guidebook and after walking there for 15 minutes I looked at the boulder and realised the moves were to morpho for me. Now everytime I go I do my homework in advance and come to Font well prepared. Now bettybeta is one of the websites I use, so I want to make sure it keeps on growing!
What I have noticed is that there are mainly climbers that climb quit hard stuff. It would be cool to get less experienced climbers on the platform aswell. I was wondering how I could help to spread the word. Insta posts? Flyers? Hashtags?
I would love to hear if there are any ideas about that.
Have a great day!