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Choosing a non-weekend day for a popular area

Roche aux Sabots, Fontainebleau

Roche aux Sabots is one of the most frequented areas of the Fontainebleau forest, and rightly so, it is a beautiful spot, with lots of high quality problems in a small area. At the weekend this place gets crazy busy, so I thought we would go on a Thursday and see how many classic problems we could tick off away from the crowds.

And what a beautiful day it was!! I had only expected a small crew, because of the Betties who would be working through the week, but we had such an enormous show of positivity, creativity and psych between the 10 girls that did show up! We began with a warm up from Pilates/Physio/Gymnastics coach Caroline Mathews, and on to some fun challenges with mantles and hands-free slab shenanigans. We progressed onto yellows before getting sucked in to so some of the harder classics. Part of the crew continued on to enjoy the fabulous yellow circuit, while the rest of us dodged between sand and shade, knocking off some great 6s, with a few circuit problems for added entertainment. Chased away by the baking heat we ended up in Sabots Est, in the shady corridor of Paraplegie. Here we conquered 4 7as between us, and the birthday girl, Lynette, did her first Blue! Go Lynette!!!
